Registration Form

To submit the abstract please (1) download the abstract template here or in “Abstract Submission”, (2) prepare the text fitting the abstract template and then (3) send it to by March, 10th.

Please, read thoroughly the information in Visa and Travel Info and follow the instructions.

Please, remember, the documents are to be provided by March, 10th.

Make sure total file size is less than 2 MB!

Short Introduction and Demonstration Courses

Each course starts at 9.30 and lasts about eight hours. The cost is 20 euros per course.
Coffee breaks and lunch are included.
"R Fundamentals in Dendrochronology" (Ernst van der Maaten, University of Greifswald, Germany)

The R language and programming environment is increasingly used in dendrochronology. R is the world’s preeminent open-source statistical computing software and its power can be harnessed for tree-ring science through the contribution of add-on packages which are freely available on the internet.

There are several R packages for working with tree- ring data, like dplR for standardization and chronology building, treeclim for climate-growth analysis, and pointRes for analyses of pointer years and components of tree resilience.

Although extremely powerful, R has a steep learning curve that has lead some to postpone using it in their own work. In this interactive workshop, the fundamentals of R will be explained. Further, the aforementioned packages will be demonstrated.

The workshop format will include a demonstration using onboard data sets but will also include a chance for participants to work with their own data in a collaborative environment. The workshop targets specifically at novice and entry-level R users.
Georg von Arx and Patrick Fonti, WSL Switzerland.

The course introduces to theoretical and practical aspects of analyzing of cell anatomical features along series of tree rings, including sample preparation, cell measurements and data analysis.

In particular the participants will learn about the dos and don'ts of sample preparation and measurements, obtain a demonstration of ROXAS (the most versatile software for cell anatomical measurements) and of some examples of data analyses and applications.
Detecting Climate-Growth Relationships by Use of the Statistical Analysis Tool CLIMTREG" (Wolfgang Beck, Johann Heinrich von Thuenen Institute, Germany)

  1. The philosophy of CLIMTREG - what are the differences compared to other methods;
  2. Explanations: parts of CLIMTREG; data structures, paths, exercise of installation on PC/notebook; Interested colleagues should bring their own notebooks.
  3. Opportunities to use CLIMTREG, modes to operate;
  4. Where to find the results ? paths, data structures, additional tools to display and analyse the result data files;
  5. Findings obtained from CLIMTREG results:
  6. * Changing climatic effects on tree growth rates;
    * Share of effects of summerly heat and drought only, compared to the effects of all included climatic variables
    * Proof of the adaptability of trees to changing climate;
    * How to apply climatic scenarios of the future development?
    * On the value of results obtained from scenario simulations ...
  7. Further development of CLIMTREG

Excursions (optional)

Three optional excursions (half a day each) start at 9:30, May, 21